Thursday, July 12, 2012

watchmen get tournament play

so two weeks ago i played in pasadena for whatever month we are on for the infinty gauntlet.  this was basically my best tournament ever i was 2-1 only lost 1 game and won the only elder of the universe that i wanted The Runner. now lets talk about how i was able to win!

so the format was actually a challenge to build for. it was a 400 pt proper keyword team and had a minimuim of four characters for the team, modern age. i must have made dozens of possible teams ranging from nova corp, winter guard to teen titians and finally in the end i decieded on a team that i hadnt played for a while that i have been dieing to play, the watchmen. and when i say watchemen i mean the fast forces not the collectores box set ( which i want).

the team was

dr. manhattan-150
Rorschach- 75
silk spectre- 75
Nite Owl- 75
infinity gauntlet-25 gems: soul,power,time

thinking back this wasnt the wisest choice because i knew that people would be bringing their A games and i would be with a  team of street level heroes and the doctor. the fact that many of my people had trouble getting through invulnerablity made thigs way harder then it should have.

i had the gauntlet on manhattan  and was facing an x-men team which included

warpath 70
beast 95
wolverine 103
cyclops 110
infinity gauntlet ?

and for time im skipping to the good stuff.
-i tried to stay away from wolverine as soon as possible and made a B-line towards cyclops and warpath who where together

-when i got dr manhattan close enough cyclops view i was in hindering so i had a 19 dv with impervious and prob, i rolled the gauntlet and got stealth right after. lol

- pushed to attack cyclops with the power gem, 6 damage

- nite owl and Rorschach teamed up to keep wolverine busy until dr manhatten was able to shoot him with the power gem.

- silk spectre perplexed up her damage to 3 and used flurry on warpath. warpath landed on close combat expert, luckly he missed. next turn i pushed silk spectre and K.Oed warpath.


its been so long i forgot everything else but i still i can give you advice for playing this team
- Rorschach will most likely be an mvp in your games, it just happens
- silk spectre can do damage when near her lovers
- not a good team if your fighting a lot of people with invulnerability and impervious.