Sunday, May 22, 2011

world goth day?! w t fuck

so I actually was looking forward to this day I had a outfit ready and everything but I just completely spaced. my bad i guess now I'm just dressed in my usual 80's punk who traveled to the future and was forced to steal sum 41's clothing. so because I have nothing truly prepared I'll just post a video from a band I'm loving. I'm a newbie with goth stuff so idk what to say about that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

wolfenstein sketch-the lost vid!

okay so i finally got my macs files off it because its dieing, and now that i have all this shit back I looked through my old shit and found a skit. A skit in the same vain as mega 64 about the newest sequel to wolfeinstein. but thanks to technical error it was never released....on youtube,yes the very prestigus youtube.
so because i found it i'm gonna upload it! aaaaahhh this is only a dig deal to me!! aahh
to you daverick!