so heres a small review of the watchmen fast forces that i've had for a while. and i have played a few games using these characters and one using all of them. the team is 550 points. a team for any occasian that is pretty versitle.
when i played this team i fought a batman character team. and counting up how much my characters cost he was above 50 points.
the game was a while a go so ill give you highlights
* Rorschach's indominable helped a lot because i got him next to nightwing keeping the pressure on him. and rorschach's poison let me damage him cause i missed lots of rolls.
*my oponent was focused more on Dr. Manhattan. he used outwit on his prob
* Nite Owl's carry ability is very usefull to get into the fight quick
* silk spectre's charge made her the first rush into the fight and because she was close to nite owl she also had flurry
and that was some highlights. i can't talk to much about comedian because he was swiftly taken out by the question and batman beyond. and nite owl died fighting nightwing before dr manhatten took him out. Ozymandias was fighting robin the whole time.
all and all this team isn't bad but you need team work more then anything for this team. because apart the dwindle in effectivness except for dr. manhatten who is good on his own. comedian in theory is good but most of the time he gets ko'ed quick. if you don't have it the fast forces are a good (and cheaper) alternative to the set.
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