I like that this issue for trys to shack some things up like how the story is told in the point of view the mad thinker. having a established narrator rather then a omnipresent third person is cool. they also get into the back story of the warriors which this book needed to do.
()the issue is mostly set up for later things and too officially bring them together and with the common mind set and goal of saving people. wish is cool there trying to bring newer readers up to speed and set up a major villain organization.the issue stars out at gentech which if you remember issue 1 are the guys who accidentally released Terrax from their soil decontaminater. they have hired the mad thinker and primus his trusty(pretty funny) android servant to find out what makes the new warriors powers work.
small side note though this is how they captured the scene for the first issue this is what actually happened
first they find namorita who is at her college being a hotty and about to take a dip in the pool but then the cafeteria food gets her! actually no she just swallowed primus(eww gross).
so mad thinker got what he needed so they tell her to meet them on Friday.then something wonderful happens to speedball that is rare in 90s comics honest character development! his parents are fighting which suck being caught in the middle of so he leaves. also in their fight is a bit of set up for a future plot. speed's mom is going on a environmental trip to Brazil with a group that later turns out to be evil, like everything else that's set up(somethings did surprise me).any way back to the story, mad thinker catches speed and doesn't do much beside tell him to meet him Friday.
oh to make a long story short this happens with every warrior. I'll just tell you what they were doing and skip to conclusion.night thrasher- talking to silhouette get assaulted and get the Friday invite, usual sitch.
nova- gets fired from mcdonalds, refuses to finish high school and quits gym. he also apperantly QUITS THE TEAM!!! wwwwhhhaaa? he must be serious and everybody should worry
firestar- uses powers to make breakfast (that is pretty awesome actually), drives dangerously to school with her friends who like to talk in weird sayings "35s for housewives 50 would be nifty!" seriously find me someone who says this, oh and this
marvel boy- vance's dad read his computer diary (dude should have a password) dads about to hit him for being a mutant, vance defends self (this also happens later but it doesn't end well).
and so finally it Friday and its time for the thinker to introduce himself to the warriors. But wait novas back! I was afraid he was actually gone for good I hope this is never brought up again. What was the point??
so some talking about how the warriors are the way of the future and how they have potential to do great things. At which point night thrasher be-heads him.
WAIT, WHAT!!! Okay don't worry it's just a robot. but still that's brutal. the android couldn't even tell it was a robot how did thrash know?! thats right he didn't but hes just that rad!night thrasher is hardcore!!!
as primus and mad thinker's head leave ( giving the warriors info on gentech) The new warriors contemplate their future. and they have come to an agreement (again) to fight the crime that the other heroes won't touch.
oh this issue compared to the previous issue is lightyears more awesome. the plot was simple nothing too crazy but at least if made sense. I also liked how the the story was told in the mad thinker's perspective ,nice change of pace. The issue try's to give insight into the minds of the characters and actually is able to flesh them out 4 out of 5.
next week get ready cause the warriors are gonna face their titans east,psionex
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