Wednesday, August 24, 2011

new warrior #1 review!! my first comic review!

the new warriors were at some point the next big thing. or maybe just marketing thing i don't know i wasn't around back then. but i can only assume that they tried to make a big deal about them just from the cover

THE NEW HEROES FOR THE 90's! popping out ripping through the number 1 issues of legendary book like x-men fantastic four and for some reason alpha flight. those this book warrant such claims as "the next generation of super hero excitement"? lets find out.

we open to page one and are introduced to night thrasher a new creation for this book who will act as team leader but at the moment it seems he's doing what any hero would do threaten someone with death, our honorable hero ladies and gentlemen. and in a extreme totally rad manner he drops the guy. but don't worry it turns out the guy was actually nova! thrash is lucking cause if rider's powers hadn't kicked in he would have one very dead teenage superhero. kind of a dick move but whatever I'm not the superhero.

now we see marvel boy who apparently is high up on the "boggle scale". also batman shirt in the corner. ) and so we see Vance(his real name) try to impress the avengers
,he does not. after cap tells him to take a hike night thrasher waves him down. i just think it funny that that how he is brought into the warriors the equivalent of "hey you! yeah you!,wanna join our vigilante group?"

then namorita is introduced she's a college student (weird for an atlantean) and is in queens with her class to ask questions about the contaminated ground and how genetech (evil big business) is gonna fix it.

we then see night thrasher's base of operation, a high rise in Manhattan. we also learn his backstory he's batman. only difference is he has a Asian lady and black dude as his alfreds. then thrash explains he hacked shield to find nova and marvel boy. they don't approve of this act of terrorism but its not like he is trying to get these total strangers to trust him so they can fight crime together.
he then calls firestar and threatens to reveal her alter ego to the world she doesn't take it well.

back in queens... genetech unwail there "ambient ionic energy locator and collator" or simply put a machine that cleans dirt. but it turns out environmentalism really doesn't work because Terrax (the ex- herald of Galactus) explodes out of the machine.

the boys are then greeted by a angry firestar
, but before anyone can be formally introduced there is an earthquake. all sighs point to queens so they head off but not before firestar says something clever!

namorita is get her ass whooped but is saved by "these brave new warriors who have burst onto the scene". speedball ditches his mom and decided to help.

meanwhile... the warriors are not doing well especially night thrasher whos plan was use skateboard and throw smoke pellets... nice job
speedball makes bad joke
marvel boy those this with him then this happens to terrax

then Dr. scientist explains "terrax was a disembodied sentient energy form that needed constant groundsoil replenishment". which means if he isn't on the ground he explodes.

the avengers come in to take the glory and the gathered heroes contemplate their futures. they decided to fight the crime the avengers never touch, so they join hands as THE FANTASTIC FOUR!.... I MEAN NEW WARRIORS.

but was it truly the beginning of a legend? not really i mean most remember them as the guys who started civil war.
this meant well and seemed to have the makings of something that could have been good but was stuck as a promotional tool for the decade never being more then a joke. the art was exceptional being drawn buy mark bagely who even the casual reader may know as the original artist for ultimate spiderman, the writing wasn't great but wasn't the worst just a bit corny filled to the brim with moldy jokes and dated references(fabian nicieza). a great effort i give it 3.5 out of 5.

stay tuned to this blog though because i will be going through each issue of the new warriors starting here at issue 1 too issue 50, those it get better? lets hope so this is the comicbook specialist and i hope to see you again.

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