the cover is exagerating the amount of action but yeah it sums up what happens.adn marvel is introduced to psionex one of a big number of villians that haven't done much but are a good idea that could be used more but like so many other great ideas marvel has done nothing with them. lets actually talk about the issue.
so leaving off from the last issue they are infultrating gene-tech the guys who last issue sent mad thinker to study the new warriors. the warriors are now trying to find out what gene-techs end game is with them.
once inside they realize that their blue print of the place are wrong. at which point they are ambushed.
a members of psionex do different things to them
so they are shown the face of the guy who captured them. old dude who basically jealous that everyone else got powers since ww2. characters like this are annoying to me there people who are introduced and then its explained that they'd been in the background of everything just one second from being amazing.yup you sure taught reed Richards every thing he knows , worked with Tony Starks dad and was almost a super soldier but we never heard of you. ignoring past history in comics? must be a brian michael bendis.
sorry that just gets to me.
The rest of the issue is simple, Speedball comes in frees the new warriors after a lot of explaing happens. a lot. you know that old cliche of the villian not killing the hero and instead start to rant about there plan? well this issue takes it above and beyond because this guy explains his origins and then takes credit for the first issues terrax attack and finally introducing Psionex as their creations.these are the dudes who knocked out the warriors
. and then big superhero\villian fight.
now that the warriors are prepared they promptly kick there ass.
also note that the most mysterious member of Psionex, mathmanic is knocked out first. the guy who can apperatly use math to make holes in a gaint brick wall isnt used.
how in the fuck (add confused face)? he use math to make some one feel distance but nope no more of that, what the actual fuck
psionex promptly get their ass's kicked one member even seemingly dies.heroes!
and then the new warriors agree to keep doing what their doing. and gentech agrees to be less corrupt.
all in all this issue is harmless fun, it introduces the generitc villian team that is supposted to be their antithesis
(ie: their dark avengers, injustice league.) we get some very good action scenes beautiflly drawn ,we learn about terrex's ressurection in issue one and learn about the evil orgnaization that is trying to kidnap or abouse teen metahumans powers. i dont even want to rate this but if i was forced to i would say its a good with a possible total of very good.
and now that i think about it the current "new 52" teen titians run has that exact plot (dont quote me on this i havent read that book since issue 4) maybe its just great minds thinking alike or possibly someone over in dc was a new warriors fan? or more lilkely superheroes and evil corperations are really easy plots that sell books.