i bought this movie last Monday.and I don't know what I wanted to see i just knew that like a year ago i saw clips of a street fighter animated movie and knew that i wanted to see it. sadly it would be at least a year till that happened mostly because of lack of interest. the day before i bought this movie at a comic book store i was at a movie place and in the anime place i found out that there are like 10 different street fighter movies as many as there are versions of the street fighter 2 game. and i also found out the one i saw on youtube was different one.
the best way to describe this movie in a few words is cameos the movie because that's all this is cameos just for fan service. and once any character makes a cameo you will not see them at anytime later in the movie. and fyi most of the cameos are really useless.
this film starts off with a fight between ryu and sagat which admittedly was pretty bad ass, even if It was seen through a dragon ball z scouter.

but one would be quick to question even if you do have the best fighters in the world how they would be able to take on a planet and countries who's main weapons are missiles and guns not hand to hand combat. we know for sure that they can take on cars by themselves but an entire military? they can't even beat yamcha! that is total bull!
so very long story short, ryu is traveling Asia because...... he is waiting to face ken? I don't know the movie makes a whole thing about them wanting a re-match when they meet up again. ken is kidnapped and brainwashed with "PSYCHO POWERS" robots watching all fighter but don't do anything just making an excuse for them to have a meet and greet with characters, except for zangief and blanca who are made to fight for rich people. chun-li panties and vega loses. quile wants revenge even more. guile finds ryu on mountain bison finds guile, big fight with evil ken,bison and balrog vs ry,guile and e.honda. good guys tart to lose e.honda and balrog fall off mountain keen turns good ryu and ken haduken bison point blank, his plane explodes and his Buddha head mountain base chung-li and guile have a thing when she leaves hospital, ryu and ken part ways....for some reason. because ryu needs to walk across America or some other bullshit.
thats it, i can Say more but all I'd be doing is repeat myself because the whole movie is the same Shtick cameo, awesome fight scene, cameo awesome fight scene. the movie in a technical sense is great the fights are awesome and the animation was great but i couldn't completely enjoy it because right when i get a good dose of a bomb ass character they disappear never to be seen again because they need the time to constantly talk about how ryu is a bad ass( its fucking true!).
thanks for reading hoped you liked this and hope you keep reading. later days
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