really this blog is not entirely about comicbooks, but it is gonna be a part of it. so i guess the name does make sense because i will start to write about comics but i have other intrest like music and movies and other stuff w/e. ok this is a terrible description for my blog :P
Thursday, December 16, 2010
late post thursday: the buzzcocks-everybody's happy nowadays
sorry got to make this speedy but I'm studying for finals after that the blog and all blog related things will get my full attention, stuff like my youtube,art,comics,my comic and everything else i've postponed.
so today I picked this song cause I just love it to bits. I was intranced by it and didn't even notice,I was just grooving dropped everything and just listened. When a song can do that to you just make you forget everything and take you somewhere else for those few minutes you know its good.
thats all i can say about this song cause I don't have the knowledge about this band like I do with most ska bands so sit down relaxe and let the buzzcocks take you away for a bit.
(reading this back it sounds like i'm high but I swear i'm not....right now) ;)
everybody's happy nowadays,
good music tuesday,
the buzzcocks
Saturday, December 11, 2010
black and white drawing,

so in this piece I used a 3b pencil an a white art pencil, if you notice I didn't let the two colors mix. I started with the shapes then when I was sure they were right I added the shadows ie: shading. after that I used the white penci to add the highlights. took me a few hours in my drawing class. hope you like it :)
Friday, December 10, 2010
best present ever? the white ranger!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
new character! goth dude

so I drew this guy in class and I perfected him, though I will do another with the proportions even (no gaint head!)
so this guy is called goth dude, I have fleshed out most of his personality in my head and I know what his first action scene will be. hope you like. basically based off voltaire.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
music tuesday: science of selling yourself short-less than jake
hey people sorry I didn't update much last week I was really busy but this week I will be posting new things,music stuff and movie stuff. so back to the music, this week I picked another ska band that I loved as a young one. Less them Jake was one of the big ska bands of the time even though it wasn''t part of the California ska explosion. This band got lots of public notice in the late 90's with the song all my best Friends are metalheaeds. that's the song that I would recommend to people who want to get acquainted with them but I picked a different song for you now because I think you guys are more
If you ever saw digimon the movie you ill remember them from the soundtrack.
so the science of selling yourself short is a really sweet song its about teenage problems that can get out of control, as we can all relate. this song is really smooth the song is slow and steady and is really helped by the horns. the horn section for me coupled with the lyrics just make the song really hypnotic and entrancing making you hope that the song like those awesome teenage dreams from the past won't end so that you won't have to face the world.
well I hope you liked this song and keep tuning in for more updates.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
covers better then the orignal tuesday: come on eileen- save ferris
I'm a little sad about using this song for today's song of the week because I actually wanted to write a whole post about this blog but I always forgot so I will synopsis the band and what they do, later I'll make something more complete. but now I will talk about just one of this bands song, come on Eileen.
First lets talk a little about the band,save Ferris, who were a huge thing in the late 90's in so cal (southern California: the land of my existence). one of the many ska bands that rose and fell in that time and place in the world. they were one of the many that didn't make it because of various different reasons, like changing the style of music or disbanding to tackle different projects. that's where save Ferris is categorized..
now this song is probably the most known song and also the most mainstream. This also in my opinion is one of the greatest ska cover songs ever (that's something to write about). This song just has a great fun loving energy that the original didn't have to this level. also the added horn section actually complements very well with the speed up tempo, and finally I want to talk about the main singer Monique Powell who puts out all the stops in this song she just puts this song over the top and makes it great, she has what very few musical artist actually have, the ability to sing! best example in this son in particular is the end where she keeps here voice at super level for a real long time with her last "Eileen" she puts all her effort , and i love it.
come on eileen,
cover song,
good music tuesday,
monique powell,
save ferris,
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
the invisible life: SKETCHES
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
rad music tuesday: the aquabats- demolition rickshaw
so this week I decided to play a song from what is in it true soul my favorite band I am of course talking about the aquabats! yes I can remember listening to the aquabats when I was as young, probably the age of five! the aquabats and reel big fish are the two major musical influences from my childhood. so instead of playing you one of the classics that everyone has heard like super rad, magic chicken, playdough, pizza day or the other classic i want to play for you one of my more resent favorites from their album charge!!! demolition rickshaw
the charge album was to some fans a major departure from the bands previous work in that it has less ska influenced sound. though there aren't as many horns they still have the sound and style that fans have come to expect and love from the band, with crazy lyrics and awesome stories with kickass beats and hypnotic rhythms. you may argue that it doesn't sound ska but it does definitely sound like the aquabats.
this song in particular is so smooth but with chaotic spastics sounds that are moving in all directions. This song has some my favorite lyrics from any aquabats song and are sung in a way that it makes it like a story is being told. whenever i hear it I can imagine everything moving fast and the fun keeping everything slow as the day comes to an end on a perfect california summers day.
I wish I could have put up a track from their EP "radio down" that came out last week but i couldn't find it on YouTube. the EP is very good and sounds classic, i don't know how to explain it. well see you next week
the charge album was to some fans a major departure from the bands previous work in that it has less ska influenced sound. though there aren't as many horns they still have the sound and style that fans have come to expect and love from the band, with crazy lyrics and awesome stories with kickass beats and hypnotic rhythms. you may argue that it doesn't sound ska but it does definitely sound like the aquabats.
this song in particular is so smooth but with chaotic spastics sounds that are moving in all directions. This song has some my favorite lyrics from any aquabats song and are sung in a way that it makes it like a story is being told. whenever i hear it I can imagine everything moving fast and the fun keeping everything slow as the day comes to an end on a perfect california summers day.
I wish I could have put up a track from their EP "radio down" that came out last week but i couldn't find it on YouTube. the EP is very good and sounds classic, i don't know how to explain it. well see you next week
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
comic picks of the week!! 11/18/10

so my first ever pick of the week! so here what i bought today
First darkwing duck #6 This is the first time buying this series but I really like it. This issue has inter dimensional plots to kidnap darkwing ducks from other dimensions and the water around the city is swallowing people to sea, but it not who you think! I really like the art, the way its a stylized the shows art. really good set up for crazy stuff to come.

second pick avengers 7. this is the start of a new arc after the amazing conclusion to the ultron saga now a threat that may be even more universally bad, someone is collecting the infinity gems and hes already got two! can the avengers stop this new threat even with the added power of the red hulk?

finally the amazing conclusion to the flash's trail! the time travelling renegades have captured the flash to give him a trail and now Barry has to prove his innocence. can he stop the rogue time traveller from framing him for murder? check it out and thanks for readying my picks .cya
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
good music tuesday! madness- baggy trousers
so today I got lots of things on my plate. for one my dad very much believes that I am smoking weed, today I will explain to him I didn't but I friend did, hope he believe.
so today I picked a song that reflects what is happening to me in life. I'm getting in treoubles that started in school cause everything can be trased to then though much different ways then in the song. other songs about weed and smokking would make more sense but they are more known and I want to give songs that I feel need to be remembered more.
( alfie by lily allen might make more sense right now)
unlike the song i am not a troubled britich youth I'm actually a morally neutral american somewhat youth.
will make better post next week that actually talks about the band more lates
so today I picked a song that reflects what is happening to me in life. I'm getting in treoubles that started in school cause everything can be trased to then though much different ways then in the song. other songs about weed and smokking would make more sense but they are more known and I want to give songs that I feel need to be remembered more.
( alfie by lily allen might make more sense right now)
unlike the song i am not a troubled britich youth I'm actually a morally neutral american somewhat youth.
will make better post next week that actually talks about the band more lates
Thursday, November 11, 2010
nerd in love!!!poem
again a poem from highschool, not directed towards anyone more of a fun thing for everyone to hear.this is like the most embarrassingly cheesy poem ever. I still like it for being so over the top highschool sweetheart type thing. omg here is my love poem.
I don’t know who my girl will be
If one of us is ever in trouble
I hope that she will care for me
We’ll be there to escape the rubble
We’ll do things that are a bit nerdy
They’ll be weekends just watching doctor who
We can read the comic books coming out weekly
I’d like to waste my time being with you
If this poem isn’t inviting
If you can’t name all Spiderman’s clones
And imagining a nerd a bit freighting
Then you have to spend the night alone
But hey that may be a harsh tone
Lets get to know each other with tea and scones
I don’t know who my girl will be
If one of us is ever in trouble
I hope that she will care for me
We’ll be there to escape the rubble
We’ll do things that are a bit nerdy
They’ll be weekends just watching doctor who
We can read the comic books coming out weekly
I’d like to waste my time being with you
If this poem isn’t inviting
If you can’t name all Spiderman’s clones
And imagining a nerd a bit freighting
Then you have to spend the night alone
But hey that may be a harsh tone
Lets get to know each other with tea and scones
high school,
love poem,
nerd in love,
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
new music tuesday! voltaire
so i guess this a new segment on my blog NEW MUSIC TUESDAY! when i say this i mean I will highlight a band or person that I discovered that i liked or a band that I like that I want to talk about. so this isn't neccesarly indy talents its just stuff that I like and I will post tuesdays.
now i present voltaire! yes this isn't my usual music taste but still its good. this guy is a goth musician. when you hear that you don't want to listen to more of it then you are really hung up on labels, because this guy is actually a great writer and wonderful musician. so I don't neccesarly know what kind of goth he is the best way to describe him to me is(tell me if i'm wrong)a semi parody of the goth culture.when i say that i mean that he is trying to debunk long held beliefs about goths with funny ,witty lyircs.
I don't know thats just what i think. whatever the point is i like this guy and know have dozens of his songs on my ipod.
now i present voltaire! yes this isn't my usual music taste but still its good. this guy is a goth musician. when you hear that you don't want to listen to more of it then you are really hung up on labels, because this guy is actually a great writer and wonderful musician. so I don't neccesarly know what kind of goth he is the best way to describe him to me is(tell me if i'm wrong)a semi parody of the goth culture.when i say that i mean that he is trying to debunk long held beliefs about goths with funny ,witty lyircs.
I don't know thats just what i think. whatever the point is i like this guy and know have dozens of his songs on my ipod.
Monday, October 11, 2010
the "invisible" band. the band that doesn't exist!

so i was on to sell a book and after i put up the book i started looking up different stuff to sell and then in my Cd's i found a band that i love and heard nothing about. so i put the bands name in the search and nothing, then i went to google and made multiple searches putting different things like the name of songs and lyrics but only found one site that had the title of the songs but almost no other information I even searched the address in the lyric sheet
what band am I taking about? THE INVINCIBLE UNTHINKABLES. well theres not much to say about this band except that they rock! they have the home-made in a garage sound, and I get an operation ivy vide. if you are in any way a comicbook fan then you will love the references and tributes, like a whole song dedicated to daredevil(personal favorite of album)or a song about a hero trying to decide if he should save a plan or keep his secret identity. all the lyrics are fun and creative(zombie boy"he was conceived in a graveyard he's zombie boy,'his dad's alive but his mom is dead"). if you ever see this album at a record store you should get it( its not on amazon or itunes)
I just happen to see this as a was about to make a purchase at a record store and my Friend told me that he had it once, i wouldn't be surprised if this was the same CD he had. this is a true indie band and i say that they are great would love to hear something new from them.the superhero mythos makes me want to see them team up with the aquabats.
thanks for reading and I'm gonna try my best to advertise these guys. lates :D
Saturday, September 18, 2010
so i am moving forward with one of my projects i drew a action shot of my comic character,william campbell.
my comic character. will by ~idiotbox2099 on deviantART this comic is getting off the ground and im happy for it. im gonna start putting up original comic realated stuff on my deviantart account
my comic character. will by ~idiotbox2099 on deviantART this comic is getting off the ground and im happy for it. im gonna start putting up original comic realated stuff on my deviantart account
my original stuff,
william campbell
Friday, September 17, 2010
omg i'm lazy!
hello blog readers!yes i'm finally updating.sorry if anyone is at the edge of their seats waiting for me to say something but i have been busy with school and other internet stuff. I'm making videos for a comicbook store, comic city la, and so i just get so tired i don't wanna type anything. i did do something specifically for the blog today I made a sketch of the scarlet spider in class and thought my blog needs something to punch it up. I will but up some realythings eventually its just that i got som much on my plate. the next thing i post will be one of two things, a retrospective on the marvel zombies comics or a tribute to the once queen of ska Monique Powell. so thats it for today i'll see you IN THE FUTURE!
also i never claimed i was a good artist :P night!

Monday, August 23, 2010
sunday retro 2
Hello to anyone who likes hearing me rant! and its sunday and i've finally posted something! so this week i have less mindblowing things to say except that I went to a beach with my sister and the dogs. its really badass we had to climb to the bottom and sneak under a fence to get there, those rich people trying to spoil our fun :( . also i didn't write anything last week cause I was trying to enter a contest and I was making designs for a comicbook me and my friend are working on but i assure everone that I did START writing for this here blog. I"m going to give more history about souothern california and the revolution of ska music we had here in the 90s by giving a spotlight that was primed to be a big star but was cut down by many things including gwen stafani! also I'm gonna eventually post my top 10 ska bands, its really hard to list them in order. then when thats finish i'll talk about other stuff that isn't ska for a change. and thats all i got to say about that,so stick around we'll be right back to our show after these messages from our sponsors!
ps: i wrote this on my wii so forgive any spelling mistakes
ps: i wrote this on my wii so forgive any spelling mistakes
Sunday, August 8, 2010
a very brief history of ska!
This entry is a shout out to my Friend Wallace wells(AKA nick) who thinks that i am the master of ska music. I don't like to brag because that is so not true. But i know enough to give a basic origin of the genre.
Okay lets start with the different types of ska there are. the first generation that was started in Jamaica which was a combo of different styles rocksteady,jazz .this later gave way to reggae cause ska is the grandfather of reggae music
second generation was basically the birth of 2-tone. this was the combination of ska and London punk. that's the reason the most famous ska band of the time where from Europe the specials and madness arguably the most well known.
then third wave which was made popular by operation ivy is known by most as ska punk because it was a combination of hardcore punk and ska. this is the most resent and the most well known having bands that where about fun and acceptance. this is the type of ska I was born into the type I've been singing since I was five and the one with my favorite bands. this genre had bands that include The aquabats, reel big fish, mighty mighty bosstones, save ferris, less then jake, streetlight manifesto, goldfinger etc. most of these bands are still out there rocking out though some like goldfinger, the aquabats have changed their style, though still good it ain't as good as the skanking music from the 1900s.
this style is no longer as popular since its hit its peak somewhere in the 1990s being on TV show like digimon and movies like baseketball. but don't despair because unlike how people like to think ska is not dead I've seen things on the Internet that give me hope and that are pretty creative like ska mixed with old school rap syles. just gotta have patience because no matter what the future holds there will always be room for the underdog of music ska.(that was so cheesy :D)
ps check this out rude boy the original site is its good if you want to make fun of your Friends that actually look like that!
pps if anyone wants to correct me they are welcomed to!
Okay lets start with the different types of ska there are. the first generation that was started in Jamaica which was a combo of different styles rocksteady,jazz .this later gave way to reggae cause ska is the grandfather of reggae music
second generation was basically the birth of 2-tone. this was the combination of ska and London punk. that's the reason the most famous ska band of the time where from Europe the specials and madness arguably the most well known.
then third wave which was made popular by operation ivy is known by most as ska punk because it was a combination of hardcore punk and ska. this is the most resent and the most well known having bands that where about fun and acceptance. this is the type of ska I was born into the type I've been singing since I was five and the one with my favorite bands. this genre had bands that include The aquabats, reel big fish, mighty mighty bosstones, save ferris, less then jake, streetlight manifesto, goldfinger etc. most of these bands are still out there rocking out though some like goldfinger, the aquabats have changed their style, though still good it ain't as good as the skanking music from the 1900s.
this style is no longer as popular since its hit its peak somewhere in the 1990s being on TV show like digimon and movies like baseketball. but don't despair because unlike how people like to think ska is not dead I've seen things on the Internet that give me hope and that are pretty creative like ska mixed with old school rap syles. just gotta have patience because no matter what the future holds there will always be room for the underdog of music ska.(that was so cheesy :D)
ps check this out rude boy the original site is its good if you want to make fun of your Friends that actually look like that!
pps if anyone wants to correct me they are welcomed to!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
street fighter 2 animated movie review
i bought this movie last Monday.and I don't know what I wanted to see i just knew that like a year ago i saw clips of a street fighter animated movie and knew that i wanted to see it. sadly it would be at least a year till that happened mostly because of lack of interest. the day before i bought this movie at a comic book store i was at a movie place and in the anime place i found out that there are like 10 different street fighter movies as many as there are versions of the street fighter 2 game. and i also found out the one i saw on youtube was different one.
the best way to describe this movie in a few words is cameos the movie because that's all this is cameos just for fan service. and once any character makes a cameo you will not see them at anytime later in the movie. and fyi most of the cameos are really useless.
this film starts off with a fight between ryu and sagat which admittedly was pretty bad ass, even if It was seen through a dragon ball z scouter.

but one would be quick to question even if you do have the best fighters in the world how they would be able to take on a planet and countries who's main weapons are missiles and guns not hand to hand combat. we know for sure that they can take on cars by themselves but an entire military? they can't even beat yamcha! that is total bull!
so very long story short, ryu is traveling Asia because...... he is waiting to face ken? I don't know the movie makes a whole thing about them wanting a re-match when they meet up again. ken is kidnapped and brainwashed with "PSYCHO POWERS" robots watching all fighter but don't do anything just making an excuse for them to have a meet and greet with characters, except for zangief and blanca who are made to fight for rich people. chun-li panties and vega loses. quile wants revenge even more. guile finds ryu on mountain bison finds guile, big fight with evil ken,bison and balrog vs ry,guile and good guys tart to lose and balrog fall off mountain keen turns good ryu and ken haduken bison point blank, his plane explodes and his Buddha head mountain base chung-li and guile have a thing when she leaves hospital, ryu and ken part ways....for some reason. because ryu needs to walk across America or some other bullshit.
thats it, i can Say more but all I'd be doing is repeat myself because the whole movie is the same Shtick cameo, awesome fight scene, cameo awesome fight scene. the movie in a technical sense is great the fights are awesome and the animation was great but i couldn't completely enjoy it because right when i get a good dose of a bomb ass character they disappear never to be seen again because they need the time to constantly talk about how ryu is a bad ass( its fucking true!).
thanks for reading hoped you liked this and hope you keep reading. later days
chun li,
street fighter 2 the animated movie,
video game,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
comic city reading: origins of DEX-STARR
this is the new update for comic city that i just rushed through real quick. came out good for the most part. if you are new and don't get this then let me give you the skinny.every Wednesday at comic city la(located in east los angeles) we do readings and other stuff. tommorw the other one should be up. its the second to last second coming issue. also want to put up some other stuff that may just seem a bit weird, i basically just recorded us talking and the store goes weird real quick. but that's for another day. thanks to any fans, if you are not please subscribe, night yall!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
game review: justice league heroes- for DS
I remember when justice league heroes and marvel ultimate alliance were announce to come out, the first thing I thought was "wow two comic book games coming out at the same time they must be awesome." I was half right because justice league heroes is a mind numbing excuse that gets tired really quick,at least for the DS. I want to make thins clear I'm talking about the nintendo DS version of the game and not any console version. I have no way to compare because I haven't played any console version of this game. the plot of this game is basic but it doesn't have to be elaborate for the purpose of the game. Each character has special moves that can stun enemies or attack from afar, most of the time this will be your most reliable weapons because your fist are too slow to do considerable damage most of the time. your characters do have to ability to heal slowly so you don't need to go roaming the level for extra health.
You don't have access to every character when you start the game some of them come later. This may not seem like a problem but it does put you in a "sucky" situation. Because by the time you have made it to stage two with whatever two characters they have already level up to at least to level 5, which means if you switch both characters you will unknownigly start with two level 1 characters! I barley survived stage 2 because of this I had to run through the level and I almost didn't make it. from that point on I only used the flash and superman because I don't want to train the rookies. there is a way to get past this pitfall if you have already fallen prey to it.
The thing that can help you the most will be the unoriginality of the enemies. It goes like this "find random enemy, find portal where they originate". These portals are a life saver if you need to level up and have lots of time on your hands. for an indefinite amount of time they will come out of these portals so you have and endless stream of XP. as long as you don't let the enemies overwhelm you, you can level up for as long as you want.
while we are on the subject lets talk about boss battles. they are ridiculously easy. I don't know about you but when I fight a boss I switch the flash and go to town on their ass's. all you need is some speed to dodge attacks and you will be fine.the bosses are basically a regular villain with more health.
so with certain loopholes this game can be easy as cake which which makes it really not fun. the level set ups are the all the same,the objectives for each level are the same, and the attacks of the villains are all the same. they basically just switched the appearence of each level and that's it! this game as compared to other games of this sort like ultimate alliance falls short. this is inexcusable even for a portable system, because as compared to "justice league heroes: the flash" for the gameboy advance, this game those little to capture the feel of its source material which is sad because a spin off game on a older system is a hell of allot more fun.
I recommend you skip this cheap cop-out excuse for a game and play anything else. thanks for reading hope you enjoyed and I'll keep you posted on there things that are going on. C YA
justice league heroes,
nintendo DS,
video games,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
my car and thoughts
the sun is setting and i have no time to notice the glow because i got better things to do. Its hard to ignore the sun when you are driving in that direction in gridlock traffic. now what do i do? its bumper to bumper traffic the radio is a stupid idea cause I never listen to it anyway why start now? My ipod is dead so I now have no music. here alone in my car staring at the sun,getting broiled alive by its intensity i can think of know where better to be. right now I'm in a steel noise cancelling box with air conditioning. I'm in a mini home a place where I can organize my thought and get reading to unleash them to the world when I do finally make it out of traffic. right now my car is the perfect place to be.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
hopefully the first of many
this will be quick but i wanted to write something because i just started the blog, hope people like my future writings and...a...i guess thats all i wanted to say. thanks yall
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