so i was on half.com to sell a book and after i put up the book i started looking up different stuff to sell and then in my Cd's i found a band that i love and heard nothing about. so i put the bands name in the search and nothing, then i went to google and made multiple searches putting different things like the name of songs and lyrics but only found one site that had the title of the songs but almost no other information I even searched the address in the lyric sheet
what band am I taking about? THE INVINCIBLE UNTHINKABLES. well theres not much to say about this band except that they rock! they have the home-made in a garage sound, and I get an operation ivy vide. if you are in any way a comicbook fan then you will love the references and tributes, like a whole song dedicated to daredevil(personal favorite of album)or a song about a hero trying to decide if he should save a plan or keep his secret identity. all the lyrics are fun and creative(zombie boy"he was conceived in a graveyard he's zombie boy,'his dad's alive but his mom is dead"). if you ever see this album at a record store you should get it( its not on amazon or itunes)
I just happen to see this as a was about to make a purchase at a record store and my Friend told me that he had it once, i wouldn't be surprised if this was the same CD he had. this is a true indie band and i say that they are great would love to hear something new from them.the superhero mythos makes me want to see them team up with the aquabats.
thanks for reading and I'm gonna try my best to advertise these guys. lates :D